Member Meeting ~ Thursday 1/9/2025 ~ Pelham Library 6:30-8:00pm

Member Meeting ~ Thursday 1/9/2025 ~ Pelham Library 6:30-8:00pm
Thank you for your support!
LIPA's August 2023 Member Meeting was a success!!! A "HUGE Thank You" to all LIPA Members!!!!!!!
LIPA's next educational Zoom program will be NH Fish & Game discussing
Beaver Ecology, Natural History & Management
Tues. Nov. 7th 2023 @ 6:30pm via Zoom!
If you are interested, attend one of our Zoom or in person annual meetings to find out more!
Thank you for your support.
The June 2019 Fundraiser was a success. We raised $3,542 towards our goal of $10,000 for an emergency fund for pond preservation.
We will be discussing mapping the lake. If you are interested, attend one of our meetings to find out more!
Meet the board! You will find information on each member of the board. Their position, term and focus. You will also find the LIPA Bylaws, committee descriptions and opportunities for volunteers.
Here you will find information on our water quality, Weed Watcher Program, dam information and wildlife around the pond.
As well as helpful links to educate yourself, family and neighbors.
We will list our upcoming meetings and events here, as well as post them on Facebook (join our FB team). Meeting minutes will be uploaded at some point after each meeting.
Provide your email address, so that we can keep in touch with you when we announce our meetings and events.
Little Island Pond Association
P.O. Box 841
Pelham, NH 03076
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